Sunday, February 28, 2010

Lately, my life has been changing drastically. Not really in a physical sense, but mentally. Like the way I feel, the way I think, and the way I act. I'm starting to understand myself, and how I work. And it's amazing. I went from having an anxiety attack almost every day, to being totally fine. I don't know if it's too good to be true. But even if it is, it's still teaching me things. And I'm learning that the only person who can make me happy is me. And that my future looks bright because I'm deciding to have a bright future. I'm happy, even though nothing has really changed about my life. But I know my life is going to change soon, even though it doesn't feel like it. High school will end. I will move away from here. I will have the life I want. But as a teenager, it's hard to imagine. It's difficult to comprehend that everything is going to get better, but I'm beginning to. And I'm excited for what's in store.

My apologies for the random outburst of deepness. But that's what a blog is about, right? If not, oh well.



Tuesday, February 23, 2010


So this is day two of being home from school. Being sick sucks. A lot. And I'm tired of it. Ugh. I don't have much else to say besides that. My head hurts too much to think.

Have a good day,



Posers are stupid.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Hello! Right now it's about 9 at night, and I'm already tired. It's kind of pathetic, really. Even on Saturday nights I feel like going to bed at 9pm. I'm a poor excuse for a teenager I think. Anyway, I'm sorta just hanging out. Today I met my friend at the park down the road from my house, and we took pictures. It was pretty fun. I got some cool shots. (You can see them here.) And then we headed over to the mall. She bought me a salad, and we got free pretzels from Auntie Anne's. My family and I were going to go to church, but my mom was too tired, so now they're watching Indiana Jones. ARRRRGH. I suddenly remembered I have loads of homework due Monday. I have a stupid Biology project that I have NO clue what to do. I have to, like, follow a carbon molecule through the food chain or something. It's kind of ridiculous. Ecosystems are getting on my nerves. Anyway, I'm really tired, so I'm gonna stop typing now.

Buenos noches!


Monday, February 15, 2010

Good afternoon.

Hello all! It is 2:30pm at the moment, and so far today I have been to Seattle and back, and ate lunch with my mom and best friend at my grandfather's restaurant. In a little bit I'm going to my friend's house to exchange movies to watch, then I'm going to attempt to take some pictures of myself. That sounds a bit self centered, doesn't it? I'm just practicing on myself, so I can get better at doing portraits.

Anyway, I'm gonna go now.



Sunday, February 14, 2010

I suck.

Wow, I really suck at this blogging thing. Most of the time I have a really good idea for a blog post, then it turns out it wasn't as good as I thought it would be, and then I delete it and walk away. So I'm officially apologizing for not blogging, and for knowing that I will do it again in the future. So now I'm covered.

Anyway, off to more important things! Here are many things that have happened and some random thoughts. There are quite a few, so please bare with me.

1.) Is it bare with me, or bear with me? I'm not sure. I mean, I guess I should've thought about that before I actually used the phrase. I could have even googled it instead of making it one of my points. Oh well.

2.) I met my favorite band last weekend! I went with my brother, his two friends, and one of his friend's little sister. It was so amazing! I loved watching them on stage, screaming the lyrics, and getting strange looks from the group of kids next to me. See, the band (fun.) was the opening band. They're not that famous. So we waited awhile after the concert, and they came out. We talked to them and they signed my shirt. It was one of the best nights of my life!

3.) When photographers are taking pictures of attractive actors, why do they have to have one of the guy laying on the bed? They're all staring at the camera as if saying, "You know you want me". It drives me crazy! Why? Because I feel like I'm being teased. It's like, "Hey, look at this hot guy that you will never meet!" Maybe it's just me. Probably because I'm a teenage girl whose hormones are out of control. Maybe.

4.) I saw two movies this weekend, and I feel like I need to review them. First, I saw The Lightning Thief. Now, I read the book, so I was expecting to be disappointed. But I really liked it, surprisingly. It might have been because the kid who played Percy, Logan Lerman, is just about the hottest thing since Bradley Cooper. But I'm going to go with it just being a good movie. I also saw Valentine's Day, and it was really cute. I laughed a lot, and awww'ed a lot as well. It's a chick flick, so my opinion probably isn't the best since I'm a sucker for them.

5.) I got my camera back! EEEE! I can now take pictures again! I am so relieved.

Well, I think I'll leave you with that. I'm all blogged out. I will try really hard to post tomorrow.



Friday, January 29, 2010

Best day EVER!

So today has been SO fantastic! First, was English. Remember how I asked my teacher to sit me next to the guy I like? Well, she did. She made an entire seating chart because I asked. And, she put me and the kid I like in the very far corner of the room. So yes, she put us in the dark corner, with his desk against the wall, and then me next to him. I had to use all of my self control not to smile or laugh. I seriously have the best English teacher EVER!

Also, one of my favorite TV shows is Chuck. And Zachary Levi, who plays Chuck, had a live video feed from his iPhone. There was a little chat box on there for people to type things, and he could read them. So one of the actresses (Sarah) was also reading the messages, and then one of the other actors comes onto the video. And I type in: Tell Adam to growl! And then I heard, "Adam! Someone wants you to growl!" AND HE DID! So, I technically made Adam Balwin growl. How AMAZING is that?!

And, finally, my mom bought me a 28 pack of Cadoozles, the most amazing pencils ever.

That is my awesome day. :D
I may have asked my teacher to sit next to the guy I like in English.

She may have said yes.

I may be extremely happy about it.


Sunday, January 24, 2010


Wow. I'm really bad at blogging.

So anyway, tonight I went to dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory with my parents and grandparents. I was preparing for a boring evening since my brother now refuses to go to family functions. But no, I actually had a good time. You wanna know why? There was an extremely hot waiter. Wow. Right when I typed that, I started to daydream and lost my focus. Of course, it had to be the day where I didn't straighten my hair, didn't put makeup on, and wore a hoodie. Awesome. So he was taking my order and he was so close I could smell him, and oh my goodness. I'm surprised my sentences came out coherent. And then later on he asked if he could take my salad plate away, and I said yes. He didn't start to grab for it, so I reached my hand out to hand it to him. Well, he reached out his hand and they touched. Pretty sure the entire room went up 10 degrees because of the heat radiating from my face. I apologized, and he laughed. I bet he realized how embarrassed I was. He also had a really awesome tattoo on his wrist that said peace. So yeah. That was my eventful night. Note to self: Always make yourself look cute when going to restaurants.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Leap Year

I just got back from seeing Leap Year, and it was so adorable. It was literally pure fluff. So. Freaking. CUTE.

At one point, the two main characters are kissing, and my dad leans over and whispers, "This is what all the girls in the theater came for." Yeah, you're right. So stop interrupting the scene I came for. I thought it was ironic. I don't think my dad considers me one of the girls who goes to movies to watch a hot guy on a screen. Pretty sure he still thinks I'm 5. That might be a problem, say, when I get married or something.

Anyhoo, goodnight!

First Week Back

Oh boy. This week was almost near horrible. It was the first week back from winter break. Almost every night during break, I would stay up until 2am and then sleep in until noon. Turns out, my body was really used to that schedule. And the night before school, I only got about four hours of sleep. Awesome. But apparently almost every other kid did the same thing, so I wasn't feeling too lonesome in that regard. So this week was pretty crappy, except two things.

First, I like a guy in my English class. It was so random. In junior high, I never really thought much of him. Then one day this week, I looked at him, and it was like, BAM! I was a little confused, let me tell you that. I'm kind of concerned. I don't really like having crushes. But on the bright side, it'll make my English class a lot more enjoyable.

Second, I actually had a good Friday. Pretty sure I aced a test, played Go Fish in Spanish, got half way through a script in Video Production, goofed off with my friend in Early Human Development, and burned potato chips in Biology. Speaking of Biology, I finally found my weakness. Show me a video of a surgery, someone bleeding, or a dirty diaper, and I'm okay. Show me a piece of liver, and I'm so not okay. We did a lab in Biology with liver, and I had to make my friend D do it because I was going to barf if I even so much as went near it. Why am I so weird? (That's a rhetorical question, by the way.)

Oh, and we got a new bus driver. Total creeper. He barely responds to my Hellos, Good Mornings, and Thank Yous.

Anyway, I think that's enough for today. I guess that's what I get when I forget to blog in a couple days, heh.



(OH! And I found my permit. So it's all good. I'm taking my test on the 19th.)

Friday, January 1, 2010


I have the drive test to get my license on Tuesday. My parents bought a new car, and I haven't practiced with it yet. I can't find my permit. I'm freaking out.

This isn't helping my anxiety which has decided to make a comeback.

Oh boy.