Friday, January 8, 2010

First Week Back

Oh boy. This week was almost near horrible. It was the first week back from winter break. Almost every night during break, I would stay up until 2am and then sleep in until noon. Turns out, my body was really used to that schedule. And the night before school, I only got about four hours of sleep. Awesome. But apparently almost every other kid did the same thing, so I wasn't feeling too lonesome in that regard. So this week was pretty crappy, except two things.

First, I like a guy in my English class. It was so random. In junior high, I never really thought much of him. Then one day this week, I looked at him, and it was like, BAM! I was a little confused, let me tell you that. I'm kind of concerned. I don't really like having crushes. But on the bright side, it'll make my English class a lot more enjoyable.

Second, I actually had a good Friday. Pretty sure I aced a test, played Go Fish in Spanish, got half way through a script in Video Production, goofed off with my friend in Early Human Development, and burned potato chips in Biology. Speaking of Biology, I finally found my weakness. Show me a video of a surgery, someone bleeding, or a dirty diaper, and I'm okay. Show me a piece of liver, and I'm so not okay. We did a lab in Biology with liver, and I had to make my friend D do it because I was going to barf if I even so much as went near it. Why am I so weird? (That's a rhetorical question, by the way.)

Oh, and we got a new bus driver. Total creeper. He barely responds to my Hellos, Good Mornings, and Thank Yous.

Anyway, I think that's enough for today. I guess that's what I get when I forget to blog in a couple days, heh.



(OH! And I found my permit. So it's all good. I'm taking my test on the 19th.)

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