Friday, October 23, 2009

My luck sucks

Today was homecoming Friday. Which was pretty good until after the assembly. It had gotten over a half hour early. So I was standing there, waiting for my bus, out in the pouring rain. Oh, it was windy too. So I'm just hangin' out, being really cold, when I started to smell something really foul. It smelled like dog poop, so I looked down, and I didn't see anything. Then I looked at the bottom of my shoe. Of course there's dog poop randomly in the middle of a High School campus, right next to a bench where I decided to stand. Yep. So if that wasn't enough, a bee decided to chase me. So here I am, wiping my shoe on the ground while I'm running around and swatting the air. Then it went and landed on my backpack. Thus making me wait 10 minutes for it to leave to get my stuff. It was so unbelievably how unlucky it was. I almost started laughing. Anyway, so that's my story of the day. Hope your day was better than mine!

Bye, friends.

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